Officepoint Laminator price in kenya
is ksh 7,495/= at
kenyatronics. Get it from us & enjoy a record 2 hour Home & office
delivery for Nairobi, Next-day countrywide.
Office Laminator A3 back loader features quick pre-heating
Simple operation(Power on, temperature control)
Stable control temperature system
Perfect laminating effect
Uniform rising temperature
Office point Laminator can laminate from A5,A4 and A3 Size of
Officepoint Laminator are best priced in Kenya at
Kenyatronics. Get it within 2 Hours in Nairobi, and 24 Hours for countrywide
1 Year Warranty ✓ Fast delivery: 1-24hrs only ✓ Pay on Delivery (Payment via CASH/CARD/M-PESA/EQUITEL/PESA-LINK) Location:Rehema house 6th flr 01,Standard street, (Behind Sarova Stanley) For Inquiries. Call/Whatsapp: +254725231726 / 0715539455 Click "Buy Now" to make an order
Officepoint Eco Laminator price in Kenya is Ksh 7,495